Banking is a clear career path which gives you practical skills in handling cash, credit, and other financial transactions. It is much clearer compared to other career paths like English or philosophy where the potential career outcomes are harder to...
1.Invitation to register for the Early Career Research Fellowship by ARUA 2. Invitation for Masters by Distance Scholarship Application ,University of London 3.WASCAL Climate Change programmes scholarship open for application 4.Kings College London ,PhD scholarships...
L’Association des Universités Africaines invite ses parties prenantes à sa 15e Conférence Générale quadriennale Virtuelle organisée par le gouvernement du Ghana sous le thème “L’avenir de l’enseignement supérieur africain”, du 5 au 8...
The Association of African Universities invites stakeholders to its 15th Quadrennial General Virtual Conference hosted by the Government of Ghana under the theme “The Future of African Higher Education”, from 5th to the 8th of July...