This episode announces the following upcoming events: • The UNICA International Higher Education Summit-Africa at Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel, Cape Town South Africa 2019 from Tuesday 19th -20th November 2019. • A Call for participants, for the 3rd International Conference for Women in Leadership Positions in Higher Education (WoLPHE). Themed: Women’s Participation in Science Programmes in Africa. From Tuesday 26th -Friday 29th November 2019. Abuja, Nigeria. • Africa Resource Mobilization and Fund-Raising Symposium on 27th -29th November 2019. At the Emory Hotel, Nairobi Kenya. On the theme “Coming out prepared, articulate, inspired and ready for lasting change in your organization!”. • A Training Workshop on the Evolving Role of the 21st Century Accountant, Auditor, Finance Officer, Budget Heads, and Cost Managers. Holding from Tuesday 19th November to Friday 22nd November 2019 at Voila Hotel, Mauritius Island. • The 15th Annual General Meeting of the RUFORUM taking place at the University of Cape Coast in Central Region, Ghana. From Monday 2nd to Friday 6th December 2019. 05-11-2019
Events Update: An Update on Upcoming Events in Higher Education Institutions in Africa
by AAUTV | Nov 8, 2019 | AAU HIGHER ED. EVENTS | 0 comments